My success boiled down to one day, and that was the day I skipped school.

ditchschool  philosoraptor-y-u-no-make-anti-school-memes

Last Friday I was having dinner with one of my production assistants. I was telling her about how bad I felt for ditching school and that my followers would be anxiously waiting an update (Ok that anxiously waiting part is an exaggeration). Regardless, I felt bad.

She turned to me and said- “Look, in five-ten years down the road people are going to ask, what was the turning point in your career? And you’ll say- It was the day I skipped school.”

You see, I did not skip school just so that I could sit at home and veg out all day, no. I skipped school because I was having meetings and signing contracts for the biggest break I’ve had in my entire career. For now, this is top secret. I will refer to it as “The Project” until I can fully disclose it’s awesomeness.

However, I will tell you this. I am VERY excited. I am VERY nervous. I am VERY ready.



ART140-Portrait Photography

Instructed by Tracy Vincent – Glendale Community Collage

This is a course in progress – FALL 2014


The Portrait Photogrpahy Course, Principles, Practice, and Techniques- the essential guide for photographer, Mark Jenkinson

People Pictures, 30 Exercises for Creating Authentic Photographs, Chris Orwig

Week One – Introduction

What is Portraiture?

Brief History of Portraiture

Assignment – 10 Photos in 10 minutes – DUE Week 2

10 Photos in 10 minutes- Approach someone that you are not too familiar with for a 10 minute photoshoot. Five minutes for introductions and brainstorming, Ten minutes to shoot. The challenge is to SHOOT 10 CONSECUTIVE PHOTOS, ONLY 10. Not shoot 20 and pick the best 10.


-Use different posing techniques

A Brief History of Portrait Photography Part 1

(Additional history and concepts)

(25 Iconic Photographers)

(Basic Camera Functions Review)

(Visual Review of Functions)

WEEK 2- Review of Metering, Review of Lighting, Studio tour, History pt. 2

What is Metering

Basic Lighting Techniques

Studio Lighting

Example Studio Tutorial Session

WEEK THREE- Lighting, Hot light Vs. Strobe

Qualities of light & shadow

How to get soft photos in harsh light

(4 tips to keep in mind)

Other Interesting Videos

(A self-critique of Jared Polin’s first photography projects)

(A Harsh Critique)

(Tips from Chris Budgeon)

Current Events: 100 year flood, Arizona Edition September 2014


September 8th 2014.

The entire state tossed and turned last night. Every two hours a Severe Weather Alert went off on all mobile devices. Rain and thunder non-stop. Very typical for Arizona’s Monsoon Season.


Typical my ass!


Nobody could have ever prepared for this

10641213_714402045295351_6787002953115326640_n10689676_714401141962108_7179534584038660489_nMONSOON 2014 

So these were the first images that I saw waking up. Thank goodness our house is raised or else we would have been in two feet of water. It took a few hours to drain, but after we could assess the situation there was an overwhelming amount of work to be done. We had many chickens that we ended up blowdrying to save from freezing…. never thought I’d ever be a chicken stylist.



The news was flooded with these images. (Did you like my pun?)

10550967_782101678507521_7642174898396714773_n 10635942_10204541563756036_4846552600585700597_n  10675510_10204541563556031_6589264311421423066_n10676342_714419908626898_6555507841795029908_n10610665_10202590176098356_8524323392054418999_n


Now there has not been a death toll as of yet. But there has been a couple deaths that I know of, as well as extensive damage to businesses, schools, homes, and vehicles. While the entire valley was in a standstill today, many tried to make light of the situation. Memes popped up almost instantaneously. Some of my favorites are as follows:

10659215_513713132107892_4312754411018475204_n10635856_10152500104548551_142040206173127214_n 10672382_10152718949735030_233006706096850529_n    10392369_937854469577736_2564261711694659827_n    10628630_961654717193266_1448190616610812184_n


Here is a bit of comparison to show how long ago the last severe flood was:


MONSOON 2014 10600462_934193673262633_8084317604501843774_n10609678_934193646595969_6164532160161695644_n10641207_934193686595965_1966804390401687204_n



All in all, it has been one adventurous day. Lets NOT do that again.

April 4th, 1992

The day it all began.


Perfect timing.

So who am I? What have I become? Where am I going?

I’m a Texan by birth, Arizonan by choice… for now.

I come from a long line of Texans, and even though I did not grow up there, any Texan can tell I am of nobel blood. As much as I love being able to stand tall as a Southern Belle, I’ve got a bit of Irish in me. When I say a little, I really mean a lot.. from both sides of the family tree.

Now isn’t that a stellar combo? Aries+Texan+Irish

That makes for one stubborn son of a gun (or daughter).

So what have I done with these cards?- Well aren’t we all still figuring that out? I’d like to think so.

So far I have been many things.





VIP Manager


Banquet Server

Cocktail Server

Bar Back

Kitchen Manager

Retail Store Manager

Gas Station CSR

Band Manager


And all of this had lead to me making my own path in;



Event Planning

And now BLOGGING!!

The world is my stage, and I am the Star!

Follow the journey. Enjoy the suckfest, celebrate the success.

“The same thing we do every night pinky, try and take over the world!” -P&B ❤

April 4th, 1992

Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Bad Grammar.

They got me. They finally convinced me. I’m in. I’m all in.

As a person who reads blogs sparingly, I wasn’t too enthused about writing one myself. However, after much thought it struck me. Who would be a better blogger than I?!? I love to write, although I am very lazy about it. Regardless, love to share my opinion just as much as I enjoy hearing the opinions of others (however idiotic they may be) =D

So here I am. A Blogger. From this day forth, I shall blog my little heart out.

Bad GrammarBlood, sweat, tears, and bad grammar.