April 4th, 1992

The day it all began.


Perfect timing.

So who am I? What have I become? Where am I going?

I’m a Texan by birth, Arizonan by choice… for now.

I come from a long line of Texans, and even though I did not grow up there, any Texan can tell I am of nobel blood. As much as I love being able to stand tall as a Southern Belle, I’ve got a bit of Irish in me. When I say a little, I really mean a lot.. from both sides of the family tree.

Now isn’t that a stellar combo? Aries+Texan+Irish

That makes for one stubborn son of a gun (or daughter).

So what have I done with these cards?- Well aren’t we all still figuring that out? I’d like to think so.

So far I have been many things.





VIP Manager


Banquet Server

Cocktail Server

Bar Back

Kitchen Manager

Retail Store Manager

Gas Station CSR

Band Manager


And all of this had lead to me making my own path in;



Event Planning

And now BLOGGING!!

The world is my stage, and I am the Star!

Follow the journey. Enjoy the suckfest, celebrate the success.

“The same thing we do every night pinky, try and take over the world!” -P&B ❤

April 4th, 1992